Friday, February 11, 2011

Can the Legion of Christ be Salvaged? A former Legionary, now Active Priest responds

Fr. Richard Gill's statement featured in Chiesa by Sandro Magister

Fr. speaks from a position of knowledge and experience; he was in the Legion for over 20 years, he was a prominent Legionary in the USA
He has made a good transition to the diocesan priesthood [New York]
Please read his thoughs/convictions/ message

1 comment:

  1. Fr. Gill obviously gave much time and thought to this analysis. I am grateful for his insight. This is good reading for anyone affected by this movement, whether in or out. I am going to send it to my friends still in RC, to my pastor, my bishop and friends with children still in the local LC school. I hope Fr Gill gets the message - please keep the insights coming, please continue to encourage your Legionary friends to face the hard truths about the Legion, and please continue to share the gift of your priesthood with the Church.
