Thursday, December 12, 2013

Saving The Legion of Christ, THE BIG PICTURE

His Eminence celebrates Mass with LC leaders


It seems that the Visitators, 2010, did an earnest job, for the most part, presenting strong reports to the Vatican re Fr. Maciel and his impact on the Legion.
Cardinal DePaolis would say in late February 2013 to a group of female "consecrated" Regnum Christi members in Mexico City that such reports are "only reports." 

The well-researched and crafted reports of the 'visitators' had to pass through more Vatican bureaucratic filters: e.g. the Congregation for Religious, Congregation for Clergy, Secretariat of State, etc. It seems that when they are boiled down and reach the executive or implementation stage they have been "tamed" or massaged and the Visitators' recommendations are watered down. 

So De Paolis' mandate ends up being to "save" the Legion of Christ. De Paolis insisted from the beginning he was not a Commissioner but an Apostolic Delegate and he defined his mandate as saving the Legion of Christ. He makes his own judgment about how to go about this,  who he can work with and who no. He works with Corcuera and others, sends Garza away from Rome for some reason but sill leaves him 'with his hand in the till' of LC finances in the USA close to Mexico... De Paolis ontinues to work with many Maciel appointees and cronies, assigns some them (e.g. Fr. Anthony Bannon) to revise the Constitutions and invites a number of them to the Chapter...

That is what he has done. Very strange. I do not understand nor do I agree. Hey, but who am I? Just another disgruntled old ex-member...

Monday, December 9, 2013

Legion of Christ and De Paolis Miserable Compensation of Maciel and Legion victims

De Paolis states on one occasion that it was not the Legion's job to seek out Maciel victims. The victims had to come to the Legion (humbly) and ask to be heard.
Of the base group of Maciel accusers who appeared in the famous Hartford Courant article 1997, only one has approached the Legion; the others do not trust the Legion and object to the way the Commission was set up: excluding those who had legal claims pending and forcing the remaining victims to go through the Legion -they had to be interviewed by Legionaries Corcuera and Florencio Sanchez, both Maciel appointees!

That leaves 7 well known victims of Maciel, now in their 70s, without any form of compensation. De Paolis and the Legion probably want them to die off.

De Paolis is quoted as saying in a conference to consecrated RC women in Mexico: 

"We cannot waste/spend all the money on the victims
No se puede gastar todo el dinero en las víctimas 

"But along the way we encountered other problems and difficulties. Problems, in other words, of the victims of Fr. Maciel. We considered it useful to give this contribution, trying to close this issue, but we cannot spend all the LC's money because of the demands of some who want excessive compensations. We are talking about resources that the Legion has obtained from benefactors, from the fruits of its apostolic works. This (compensation) may be done in reasonable measure; but to spend enormous amounts that affect the institute's patrimony cannot be done. These are exaggerated demands and besides it is not the great number of people that is alleged. We created a commission for this and at this moment I believe there is only one case still be to resolved; but as regards the rest (Tr. of the money?) you have to understand that we have worked for this...."

(Original Spanish)
“Pero por el camino hemos encontrado otros problemas y dificultades. Problemas por llamarlo de alguna manera, de las víctimas del p. Maciel. Hemos estimado útil dar esta contribución, intentado cerrar esto, pero no podemos gastar todo el dinero de la LC por las exigencias de algunos que quieren compensaciones excesivas. Son bienes que la LC ha tenido de benefactores, de trabajo para sus obras apostólicas. En medidas razonables se puede hacer, pero gastar cifras enormes que tocan el patrimonio del instituto, eso no se puede hacer. Son peticiones, exigencias exageradas. Y además no es el número inmenso de personas que se dice. Hemos puesto una comisión y hasta ahora creo que queda sólo un caso abierto, pero el resto… hay que entender que también hemos trabajado para esto”.
- See more at:

i must remind you of a post from our sister blog dealing with Paltry Legion compensation

there was a reference to a talk De Paolis had given to a group of "consecrated" Regnum Christi women the contents of which was leaked to Spanish speaking media. It is disgraceful what De Paolis said about compensation of victims:

Data: article appeared:

Madrid, 7 de marzo de 2012 (Por Trastevere).- 

referring to visit of De Paolis to Mexico on Feburary 27th, 2012

En su reciente visita a México, concretamente el pasado día 27 de febrero, 

el delegado pontificio para los Legionarios de Cristo y el Regnum Christi, el cardenal Velasio de Paolis, recibió en privado por la mañana a algunas consagradas, en unos momentos en que ya se conocía que unas treinta de ellas abandonaban el RC para integrarse en una nueva realidad eclesial denominada “Totus tuus”. - 

See more at:

Further down in the Spanish article we find the paragraph we began with.