Tuesday, October 18, 2011

De Paolis Letter to Regnum Christi re Apostolic Visitation

Regarding results of recent Apostolic Visitation to the Regnum Christi theLegion/ Regnum gives us their interpretation on their page -like we can't read the letter on our own.... Oh, the members need Daddy big Priest to explain it to them... Well, below we quote the original, unadulterated version:

Cardinale Velasio De Paolis, c.s.
Piazza del Sant‘Uffizio, 11

Rome, 15 October 2011

Dear Legionaries and consecrated men and women of Regnum Christi,
In his apostolic visitation, carried out from January to June 2011, His Excellency Ricardo Blázquez,
archbishop of Valladolid, met almost all of the consecrated members of Regnum Christi in a number
of countries, whether in group meetings or individual interviews.  He also received much written
input.  At the beginning of September, he turned in his report to the Pontifical Delegate.
We will now carefully analyze the report in order to understand it fully.  Then we will undertake
whatever seems necessary to revise the statutes that regulate the life of the consecrated members
of Regnum Christi and how they live in practice.   Along with my Council, I began to get acquainted
with the report, albeit necessarily briefly.  There was also a joint meeting with Legionaries and
Regnum Christi consecrated persons in which we exchanged our reflections. This exchange needs to
be continued and reflected upon deeply.

A positive point that emerges from the apostolic visitation is that at a personal level the consecrated
members are grateful for their vocation and live their consecration to God according to the
evangelical counsels with joy, aware that they render a valuable service to the Church with their selfgiving.
However, the issues regarding personal and community life that have emerged from this same
visitation on an institutional level initially appear to be many and challenging.  We should handle
them with the people that are the first affected, that is, the consecrated persons.  This is about their
lives.  At the same time we cannot forget their history either, which is intimately linked to that of the

In general, there is a positive judgment on the relationship between the Legion and the consecrated
persons in Regnum Christi because of the good fruits that this has borne in the apostolate, for which
we thank the Lord.  At the same time, more than a few points surface that need to be clarified and
perhaps rethought.  In particular the visitation showed that there is a widespread desire among the
consecrated persons for a proper autonomy – which the consecrated persons should enjoy, and
which pertains to them as a form of association within the Church.  The visitator’s report does not
specify the extent this should have, but it should certainly involve responsibility on the part of the
consecrated women and men in the organization and government of their personal, community, and
apostolic lives.  The issue of autonomy appears linked to the juridical nature of the group of
consecrated persons itself and to the scope and juridical weight of their consecration in the
profession of the evangelical counsels.  On the one hand, it will be necessary to maintain a link of
participation, even if specified in a distinct manner, in the same charism, spirituality, and apostolate, thus saving a precious inheritance. On the other hand, it will be necessary to find an adequate
configuration that corresponds to Canon Law, in order to better conserve, promote and develop this

Thus begins an important and challenging period to study the issues that will come up, as we reflect
on the Apostolic Visitator’s report and begin the revision of the Statutes.  It is also necessary to find
the right way and a suitable procedure  in order to guarantee serious, appropriate and decisionoriented reflection on the fundamental issues along with the commitment of all those involved,
according to each one’s responsibility, whether at the individual or collective level.  Even before
beginning the examination of the condition of the consecrated persons in Regnum Christi, a few
guidelines can be useful as of now, even if they are provisional.

1. This process will unfold under the responsibility of the Pontifical Delegate for the congregation of
the Legionaries of Christ, assisted by his personal councilors.
2. The statutes of Regnum Christi approved by the Holy See on November 26, 2004 remain in force
until new indications are given, barring specific cases.  For ordinary life the general director of the
Legionaries retains authority over the consecrated persons according to the current regulations
contained in the Statutes.  However, all of the important decisions regarding the consecrated
women and men of Regnum Christi, particularly admission of new consecrated persons, transfers,
nominations and the dismissals or dispensations from promises, will need the approval of the
Pontifical Delegate, after hearing the opinion of the general director’s assistant for the consecrated
women or the consecrated men.
3. The figure of a priest as delegate of the general director and [of a priest as delegate] of the
territorial directors for the consecrated women in Regnum Christi is suspended. Meanwhile, the
functions that until now have been exercised by the delegate of the general director pass on to the
general director’s assistants for the consecrated women and the consecrated men, who will be
assisted by three councilors.  Any difficulties may be presented to the Pontifical Delegate.
4. All that has been established for the Legionaries of Christ concerning spiritual direction, the
sacrament of penance, correspondence and the use of the Internet, and the protection of the
conscience in dialogue with superiors also applies to the consecrated women and men of Regnum
Christi.  As for the sacrament of penance and spiritual direction, the freedom of the consecrated
women and men in the choice of confessors and spiritual directors, as well as in manifesting their
conscience to their directors and to the general director of the Legionaries, has to be fully
recognized (cf. can. 630 of The Code of Canon Law).

Therefore the directors are required to diligently provide that sufficient and suitable ordinary and extraordinary confessors be available for the consecrated women and men, and that among these there always be priests who do not belong to the Legion of Christ.  Moreover, what is established in can. 991 must be kept in mind: “Every member of the Christian faithful is free to confess sins to a legitimately approved confessor of his or her choice, even to one of another rite.”

Everyone – consecrated women, consecrated men, Legionaries of Christ – are called to give their
collaboration, in ways that will be specified soon.  As of now any suggestions and proposals for the
path of revision that is before us can be sent to the Delegate.
I exhort all to begin and to walk this path of personal and community reflection in an environment of
prayer, dialogue, and respect in order to bring to completion the beautiful reality of consecrated life
in Regnum Christi in the Church.  To all I wish every good thing in the Lord and I invoke the Lord’s
blessing with the abundance of his gifts.

Yours truly,
Velasio Card. De Paolis, c.s.
Pontifical Delegate