Monday, September 13, 2010

Active Legionaries question the "Official Version" of Vatican Investigation [1] Inside the Legion,

The Trastevere Blog in Spain seems to be the outlet for some Spanish speaking Legionaries who want to tell the world what is going on inside the Legion. This blogger simply passes on a translation of some August postings he found. These posts are the only information we have of what is going on inside the Legion -besides the official bulletins from the LC High Command. It seems not all Legionaries blindly believe what comes down to them from on high.


Our correspondent in Ireland, translated some interesting posts by two current LCs on the Trastevere blog over the past month. All the posts are in chronological order as they were posted and are by the LC priest who identifies himself as Misterioso, except one post by un sacerdote legionario ("a legionary priest")..  The original Spanish follows the translation, which is by no means perfect. Also included is an attachment of the translations as a txt file.

Misterioso // [August] Ago 14, 2010 at 02:08 
"... We would have liked to have seen some news about the Apostolic visitors in the Information Bulletins that we get by email in the Legion of Christ. I would have really liked to have seen the interview that the visitor gave to the the Apostolate Community in Leon, Guanajuato [Mexico] where he opened the Legionaries eyes, urging them to learn and inform themselves about all the was happening in the Legion because in a short time reform would come. Well, I was told that only a few days afterwards the Territorial Director of this region visited them to literally "repair the damage of the apostolic visit." I think that he himself received the damage as he left beleaguered and some more by his visit to the community. My respect and my acknowledgment of their bravery to those priests and brothers in that community. I am to understand that only three months later they changed the Territorial Director [for another]. Draw your own conclusions."

Nada que ver, la verdad qué fallo tan garrafal. Ya hubiéramos querido que en los boletines informativos que mandan por correo electrónico en la LC hubiera
salido alguna noticia sobre los visitadores apostólicos. Me hubiera encantado que hubiera salido la entrevista que hizo el visitador en la comunidad de
apostolado de León Gto. donde les abrió los ojos a los LC’s, diciéndoles que se apresuraran a conocer e informarse de todo lo que pasaba en la LC porque en
poco tiempo vendría la reforma. Pues me contaron que a los pocos días el DT de ese territorio fue para literalmente, “resarcir el daño provocado por la visita
apostólica”… Y creo que el daño se lo llevó él, pues salió vapuleado y un poco más de esa visita a la comunidad. Mis respetos y mi reconocimiento por la
valentía de estos sacerdotes y hermanos de esa comunidad. Pues me enteré que no pasaron ni tres meses cuando cambiaron a este DT… Saquen sus conclusiones

Misterioso // [August] Ago 14, 2010 at 02:38 
"I would like to share something that has just happened only a few minutes ago so that this respectable public give me its opinion: Yesterday an LC priest who works in the recruitment drive for minors ... that is to say he recruits boys for the Apostolic school [Legionary minor seminary], a friend of mine, spoke to me
somewhat surprised and annoyed, and he gave me some frightening news: The yearly planning [literally programming] meetings usually take place in Cotija, birthplace of the Founder [Marcial Maciel]... Last year there were many complaints from many of the vocational recruiters saying that they didnt feel comfortable
[being in Cotija] ... for obvious reasons. Much less when they made visits to Maciel's museum and tomb... It was announced, to the peace of mind of all, that as of next year the meetings would take place in the retreat houses in Chapala, Guadalajara. All were  happy about this. Oh, Surprise! - just a few days ago they
received an email from the Territorial Directors saying that for reasons of space the meetings would be once more in the Michoacán region [implies the town of
Cotija, which is in the state of Michoacán]. What do you think about this? I smell a rat, as they say. On the other hand, it sounds logical to me: these vocational
promoters or recruiters practically live in the streets because their work brings them in contact with the world, families - contacts, as they call them. Some
promoters have left the Legion after all that has happened, others have refused to recruit vocations, and many, many have become aware of the truth before the Leadership Cadre [cúpula] announced Maciel's abuses. Will it be that they will have reprogramming, reformatting and brain washing sessions? It will be interesting to
know the content of these meetings. Patience friends, all in its own time. Greetings and my prayers for you.!"

Quisiera compartir algo que me acaba de suceder hace unos minutos para que este respetable público me dé su opinión: Ayer me habló entre sorprendido e
indignado un amigo sacerdote LC que trabaja en una gira vocacional de México para menores… es decir que recluta niños para la Apostólica y me dio una noticia escalofriante: Las reuniones anuales de programación se tenían normalmente en Cotija, tierra natal del fundador… El año pasado hubo muchas quejas de parte de muchos promotores vocacionales que no se sintieron a gusto… Obvias razones. Mucho menos cuando hacían sus visitas al museo y a la tumba de MM… Habían dado el aviso para tranquilidad de todos de que a partir de este año serían en una casa de retiros que se encuentra en Chapala, Guadalajara. Todos contentos. Oh sorpresa, han recibido hace unos días un correo de parte de las DT’s diciendo que por motivos de espacio se tendrán dichas reuniones nuevamente en tierras michoacanas… ¿Cómo la ven? Dicen en mi pueblo: “Me huele a chamusquín…” Por otro lado, me suena bastante lógico: estos promotores o
reclutadores viven prácticamente en la calle porque su labor es de contacto con el mundo, familias, contactos como ellos lo llaman. Hay varios promotores que después de todo lo sucedido han salido de la LC, otros que se han negado a reclutar vocaciones, y muchos, pero muchos que se han enterado de la verdad antes de que la cúpula diera el aviso de los desmanes de MM. ¿Será que tendrán sesiones de formateo, de reprogramación y de lavado de cerebro? Sería interesante saber
el contenido de estas reuniones. Paciencia amigos, todo a su tiempo. Un saludo y mis oraciones.


Un sacerdote legionario // [August] Ago 16, 2010 at 14:26 
"...The approval of the constitutions and many official things in the Legion are sincerely a mystery, a mystery of manipulation and dirty-work between Maciel, the cúpula [Leadership cadre] of the legion] and the Holy See. For example, in the Legion we were never shown a copy or indeed the original of the acts of Canonical Erection and of the Canonical Approval of the Legion, two very important documents. But when you know the scurrilous history in which these documents were elaborated you
ask yourself if the really exist, including the Canonical Erection which was expressly prohibited by the Holy See. Maciel knew this prohibition yet went forward and obliged his Bishop uncle to retract said act, hiding what he already knew: prohibition by the Holy See to erect the congregation and thus it was made. Maciel
told this [to us] mockingly, as a victory on his part over his enemies (always Jesuits) who worked in the Holy See and who, according to him, had it out for him...this man [Maciel] did everything underhand [por abajo?], wrongly, outside of what the Church has stipulated. All the approvals were through abnormal channels,
the constitutions by paying Pironio and blackmailing JPII, the Statutes by paying Sodano and taking advantage of JPII's illness, going in contrary to what various cardinals had been saying about the approval [of the statutes], among them Ratzinger who was completely opposed [to the approval]. Afterwards, Maciel saw itas a victory over everyone... these documents were never passed through the established channels in the Curia, knowing that it would be impossible to approve them because of the infinite number of anomalies against and trampling on the freedom of conscience and of the person which they contain.
On the other hand, the reality is that right now there is a strong persecution going on inside the congregation, nobody can dissent - except to the outside [Tr. unsure about the translation of: sino para afuera]. There are many of my companions who are truly suffering humiliation and incomprehension from their superiors, who are beating them down [literally sinking] psychologically... this is very delicate, that they continue to control the thoughts and the liberty of all, there is great manipulation and pressure on the inside."

Comparto muchos puntos de vista arriba mencionados. La aprobación de las constituciones y muchas cosas “oficiales en la Legión” son sinceramente in
misterio, misterio de manipulación y trabajo sucio entre Maciel, la Cúpula y la Santa Sede. Por ejemplo, jamás se nos ha enseñado en la Legión una copia o el
acta misma de la Erección y de la Aprobación Canónica, dos documentos importantísimos. Pero cuando conoces las historia truculenta en la que fueron
elaborados dichos documentos te cuestionas si realmente existen, incluso la Erección Canónica la prohibió expresamente la Santa Sede, Maciel conociendo dicha
indicación, se adelantó y obligó a su tío Obispo a redactar dicha acta, ocultando lo que ya sabía: prohibición de la Santa Sede para eregir la congregación y así se
hizo. Maciel contaba esto con sorna, como una victoria de él frente a sus enemigos (siempre jesuitas) que trabajaban en la Santa Sede y que según él le traían
ganas… este señor hacía todo por abajo, mal, fuera de lo que la Iglesia tiene estipulado. Todas las aprobaciones fueron por causes anormales, las constituciones
pagando a Pironio y chantajeando a JPII, los Estatutos pagando a Sodano y aprovechando la enfermedad de JPII, en contra de lo que varios cardenales habían
dicho sobre esta aprobación, entre ellos Ratzinger que se opuso rotundamente. Después Maciel lo vio como una victoria frente a todos… nunca pasaron estos
documentos por los causes establecidos en la Curia, sabiendo que no era posible aprobarlos por la infinidad de anomalías y atropellos a la libertad de conciencia
y personal que tienen.
Por otro lado, la realidad es que actualmente hay una fuerte persecución al interno de la congregación, nadie puede disentir, sino: para afuera. Hay muchos
compañeros míos sufriendo realmente la incomprensión y humillación por parte de los superiores, que los hunden psicológicamente… esto es lo más delicado,
que siguen controlando el pensamiento y la libertad de cada uno, hay una fuerte presión y manipulación al interno.

Misterioso // Ago 23, 2010 at 03:56 

"From Cerro de la Silla [Monterrey, Mexico, the mountain in the shape of a saddle overlooking the city of Monterey, Mexico], precisely where, every year, the directors of Integer and the LC General
Administration Cúpula meet. [It is implied that the author is in Monterrye]. The car park will be full of cars of the latest model(Mercedes Benz, BMW, people carriers) and the food has to be of the highest quality... In fact they choose one of their own for no other reason than to check the food. If they don't like it, they change it [I’m unsure if the mean they change the catering company or they change the undertaking], because they have a demanding palate... ... the themes in the talks and conferences will be among others: Growth, development of the LC and RC, statistics about numbers [I believe this to mean
the numbers important to the legion: number of members/new members and donations/money], new perspectives on the current difficult situation...

Desde el Cerro de la Silla, efectivamente como todos los años se reúnen los dirigentes de Integer con la cúpula LC de la administración general. El
estacionamiento estará lleno de puros coches último modelo (Mercedes Benz, BMW, Camionetas) y la comida deberá estar de primer nivel… De hecho, ponen a
uno de ellos exclusivamente para revisarla. Y si no les gusta, cambian de empresa pues son de paladar exigente…
Añado un poco más de información a tu post. Los temas de las ponencias o conferencias serán entre otros: El Crecimiento, El desarrollo de la LC y RC,
Estadísticas de números, Nuevas perspectivas ante la situación difícil actual… si tienes algo más, ay nos avisas… Un saludo.

Misterioso // Ago 24, 2010 at 01:42 

"...may God help us grasp all of this situation and act with decision and firmness. We cannot be satisfied with the spiel that for the good of charity we have to avoid making rash judgments about all those who surrounded Maciel: this is the recommendation from our Major Superiors. I believe that it is essential, necessary, and urgent to render evident those who knew about his misdemeanors and turned a blind eye or participated in them... Imagine how much confidence
we feel when those who were his secretaries arrive at our centers giving conferences and talks. All they do is regret the damage that Maciel did..."

M&G, Dios nos ayude a asimilar toda esta situación y actuar con firmeza y decisión. No podemos quedarnos con el rollo de que por el bien de la caridad hay que
evitar hacer juicio temerarios sobre aquellas personas que rodeaban a MM: esa es la recomendación de nuestros superiores mayores. Creo que es totalmente
indispensable, necesario y urgente que evidencien a quienes sabían y se hicieron de la vista gorda o participaron de sus fechorías… Imagínate con qué confianza
nos sentimos cuando llegan a nuestros centros dando conferencias, pláticas quienes fueron sus secretarios. No hacen sino lamentarse de todo el daño que hizo

Misterioso // Ago 24, 2010 at 01:42

 "There are many closed Priests who do not want to even listen. Two months ago a woman who was a candidate to be assistant of the director of a section [of RC]
in the north [of Mexico] told me that she offered the director a copy of the Luis Garza conference [a secret recording of a conference which he gave to consecrated women of RC] and he answered: "don't give me anything that could damage my vocation more". They resist seeing, and as you say, it is very difficult to nudge
LCs like this. Change has to come from above. Nevertheless, our work [towards change?] is being done. Believe me, it is much easier to open the eyes of the younger LCs than the older ones or those who have a place of governance.
... Not only are they [dissenters?] isolated and their permission to confess is removed, but also they change their work or their apostolate... I myself have heard the
superior of my centre say in Community Directives [a periodical community activity where the rector or his delegate corrects specific faults observed within the
community from simple things like: "no one should drink directly from the garden hoses" to more controlling aspects of community life] "Fathers, I remind you
that only the ordinary [appointed] confessors can hear confessions from the members of the community, and during the course [of the year] the extraordinary confessors, when they should turn up. (It is worth mentioning that this year we haven’t had a visit from extraordinary confessors). They still make you confess with [go to confession to] the priests they want you to confess to... There is an LC priest who had to give up his holidays this year because they forbade him to tend to the novices in
dialogue [spiritual direction] because he was not a spiritual director and if you ask me where he is now, they have just changed his apostolate because he had not
stuck to this order from his Assistant for Religious Life in spite of a various warnings... He is blessed now because he is no longer under the jurisdiction of this
Assistant for [un]Religious Life, because if were of the Religious Life, he would follow canon law and I doubt he follows it..." [I understand this topic to be about
LCs requesting direction or confession from any LC priests around them and LCs being chastised for confessing or giving spiritual direction to those that request
if of them when they are nor authorized to do so, i.e. that confession and direction are still very controlled.]

Asalterio, tienes razón en tu post de Ago 23, 2010 at 07:02.
Hay muchos padres cerrados que no quieren ni escuchar. Hace dos meses me decía una señora que estaban postulando a ser la asistente del director de una sección del norte que le ofreció una de las conferencias de LG y le respondió: “No me dé nada que pueda
dañar más mi vocación…” Se resisten a ver y como tú dices, es muy difícil dar codazos con LCs como estos. El cambio tiene que venir desde arriba. Sin
embargo nuestra labor la estamos haciendo. Créeme es mucho más fácil abrir los ojos a los LCs jóvenes que a los vejestorios o quienes ocupan un puesto de
Por otro lado, clama el cielo cuando te enteras de noticias como la que diste en tu post de Ago 23, 210 at 15:55. No solamente los aíslan y les quitan los
permisos para confesar, sino que los mueven de trabajo o de apostolado… Yo mismo he escuchado cómo en los avisos ha dicho el superior de nuestro centro:
“Padres, les recuerdo que pueden confesar a los miembros de la comunidad únicamente los confesores ordinarios, y durante el curso, cuando vengan los
extraordinarios” (cabe decir que este año no hemos tenido la visita de estos padres extraordinarios…) Todavía te obligan a confesarte con los que ellos
quieren…Hay un sacerdote LC que tuvo que sacrificar sus vacaciones este año porque le habían prohibido atender a los novicios en diálogo pues él no era
director espiritual y si me preguntas dónde está ahora, lo acaban de cambiar de destino porque no había acatado esta orden de su asistente para la vida religiosa a
pesar de varios avisos… Dichoso él que no está ya bajo la jurisdicción de este asistente de “vida no religiosa”, porque si fuera de la vida religiosa, seguiría el
Código de derecho canónico y dudo que lo siga…