Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Why Members of the Legion of Christ and Regnum Christi find it hard to leave


This is just one aspect; there is a kind of "thinking error" involved. If a person wants to be 'absolutely sure' about leaving, they will never do it. Because, in this world one cannot be "absolutely sure" of anything; well except that I am alive, I breath, I think, and I feel body sensations...

And this thinking error and fallacy is exploited by Legion superiors and so called 'spiritual directors'. And, my God, even by Apostolic Visitator, Mons. Blazquez: 'you must be absolutely sure before leaving the Legion or the Regnum'. This is so wrong; because when in the organization one lives in such a state of anxiety, brainwashing and confusion that one cannot be sure about anything.

See my dialogue below:

To: la
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 4:36 PM
Subject:  exiting LC and +Blazquez

Recently an LC priest wanted to add me as a friend on Facebook. I didn't recognise him, and in any case I wouldn't befriend any LC priest without good reason. I said hello and mentioned that I didn't recognise him, did we know each other? He replied that he was in Rome in the 90s to early 2000 but then has spent years in the General Direction in Rome. (...) I noticed on his Face Book that he is on a sabbatical year. He mentioned that had read about me online so we are virtual friends. He replied to me that he was living in X again and was to have an appointment with Mons. Blazquez ( blogger's explanation: Archbishop Blazquez was one of the five original papal appointed investigators of the Legion of Christ, 2009-2010, and was later appointed to investigate the Regnum Christi Lay Movement also founded by Maciel*) last Monday. This is his account of the meeting:

Mons. Blázquez es bastante optimista y ve futuro a la Legión, en el sentido que ve que va evolucionando y que el delegado está haciendo su trabajo. Ciertamente, ve legítimo que algunos se quieran separar, pero su consejo es que lo hagan si están del todo seguros. Como diríamos en España, "ve brotes verdes" pero no es un ingenuo.

"Mons. Blazquez is quite optimistic and sees a future for the Legion, in the sense that he sees that it is evolving and the [papa] delegate is carrying out his work. Certainly, he sees it as legitimate that some may want to leave the legion, but his advice is that they do so if they are completely sure. As we say in Spain, 'he sees green shoots' but he isn't naive."

Curiouser and curiouser.

*His Excellency Ricardo Blázquez,
archbishop of Valladolid   carried out his apostolic visitation of the RC from January to June 2011


Dear Bro. X,
if someone waits to be absolutely sure before leaving the Legion they will never leave; because the Legion has systematically wounded the members' capacity to analyze and make self-enhancing decisions. You must leave when you have "good enough" reasons to leave; which is the way normal people "out in the world" make decisions anyway.
Well, you never know what a legionary is up to while he is in the Legion but i suppose you could take a chance; he is "going beyond the pale" by contacting you.
It is kind of refreshing that the Legion has found the "sabbatical" as a decompressing and discernment tool at this late stage in its evolution; should be a time for real free soul searching. Hopefully, it is not a sabbatical 'modus legionis' like those Ignatian Spiritual Exercises of discernment that Maciel manipulated in Salamanca back in the day in such a way as to empty them of their vitality and their true nature.

Your former brother P.

N.B. let us also be aware of the danger of misquoting Mons Blazquez with second or third-hand quotes which may also have been interpreted and filtered by Legion superiors and so called spiritual directors to suit their own ends.

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