Thursday, September 3, 2009

Everything is "Hunky Dory" in Maciel's Kingdom

[A friend wrote after Reading the Legion's Encyclical about Maciel scandals and Legion errors]

Dear friends, I have not really digested everything from the letter yet and I want to let my thoughts settle a bit before commenting on it, but there is one disturbing thought that comes to my mind - this letter serves a singular purpose of telling all RC and LC members that everything is alright and good with the Legion, that


it says that the legion apologises for any harm to individuals

it says that the legion distances itself from Maciel

it says that its finances are in order

it says that it is dealing with all possible future child abuse issues

it says that there were professions - ie the seminaries are business as usual

it says that canonically the legion has no errors (confession, direction, private vows are all in order)

Any LC/RC member will be so glad to hear all of this - what problem exists in the LC/RC that has not been fixed according to this letter? Why should any LC or RC worry about belonging to, supporting and giving their all and more for the legion?

THERE ARE NO MORE OBSTACLES (according to the superiors)

What is scary about this to me is that with this letter the Legion is

UNDERMINING the work of the investigators

- it is a pre-emptive strike to re-double the "conviction" , "commitment" and "surrender" of its members.

The investigation began with many LC and RC in a limbo, waiting to be told what to do or what to believe. This was a weak position for the LC to have its members in vis a vis the investigation - the investigators were those who held the power and control.

Now the LC and RC members will be strong in their convictions and this means that they are under the control of their superiors once again, and the investigators are suddenly weak in the possible impact of their investigations and in their ability to carry out a true investigation - members and non-members alike may sit back on their laurels now that the Legion is "hunky-dory" .


  1. Seems like there is always two takes on the Legion and the Regnum

  2. Now Vatican is to take its take
