Monday, May 4, 2009

Coping with Cult Involvement #11 in the series How to get a Loved one Out of the Legion/Regnum of Christ

People are BEGUILED into joining the Legion of Christ and the Regnum Christi.
And, for the most part, only by guile can they get themselves out and only by guile can parents, relatives and friends help them.

A certain amount of people leave CULTS because they are kicked out, "throw aways", or because they leave one way or another, "walk aways". You are worried about the vast majority that stays.

To be successful as you struggle with a loved one who has drunk the Koolaid, and at the same time not totally lose your Peace of Soul, you must use GUILE

By this I mean that besides prayer, sacrifice, and almsgiving, kicking up a ruckus and giving the superiors hell, this demon will only be cast out by using our God- given intelligence and by hard work. Some parents and loved ones resort to Exit Counseling, but this, too, has its limitation. You realize that the Legion/Regnum is one of the most astute Hight Demand groups around. It is shrouded in a cloud of Catholic Orthodoxy and Conservativism and it is astute and subtle.

Livia Bardin's Handbook is about the hard work involved when your loved one is in a cult like the Legion/Regnum and you are at your wit's end.


  1. Thanks for sharing a much needed book. Leaving RC/LC means leaving many loved ones behind. Every one that I know is trying to "get someone out". It is the haunting of exmembers.

    I believe it is not necessarily guile that helped release us from the RC grip but a certain shrewdness. We were beguiled because we were naive and the RC/LC program promotes naivete as a virtue.

  2. thanks for taking the trouble to post
