Maciel and Walter White: Breaking Bad in
Meth and Sex
Breaking Bad is an
American crime drama
television series created and produced by Vince Gilligan. The
show originally aired on the AMC network
for five seasons, from January 20, 2008, to September 29, 2013. It tells the
story of Walter
White (Bryan Cranston), a
struggling high school chemistry teacher diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer, who,
together with his former student Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul), turns
to a life of crime, producing and selling crystallized methamphetamine to
secure his family's financial future before he dies, while navigating the
dangers of the criminal world. The title is from a Southern
colloquialism meaning to "raise hell". Breaking
Bad is set and was filmed in Albuquerque,
New Mexico.
am doing this for my family….
is the phrase and the reason
chemistry teacher Walter White uses to justify his actions as he embarks on a
life of manufacturing methamphetamine. The venture will become increasingly
dangerous as he becomes immersed in the drug manufacturing and dealing world.
Walter gradually resorts to more ruthless ways to “protect” himself, his family
and his “business”. Walter evolves as a grey individual who gradually becomes
more hardened as he uses everything and everyone to reach his goal. Walter’s
end is good; but he shows no moral qualms regarding the means he deems necessary.
Despite being resentful,
vengeful and self-centered Walter tries hard to maintain normal relationships
with his wife, his disabled son and the new-born baby. To hide his double-life
he constructs a web of lies and deceit. He possesses an uncanny sense of controlling,
manipulating others and recruiting them to his cause while leading them to
believe he has their best interests at heart. He is occasionally torn by his
allegiances and by the devastating effects of his actions but reaching his goal
always wins out in the end. Walter also possesses great astuteness and
ingenuity to massacre his opponents. Jesse, who is a witness and even a victim of
his cruelty, is the one who gradually sees through him and turns against him.
At the very end, when his wife
confronts him, Walter cruelly and cynically admits that he likes doing what he
does. That it makes him feel free and strong.
am called by God to found a Catholic Religious Order,
is the conviction that drives
Marcial Maciel, a white, blue-eyed, provincial Mexican from the age of fifteen.
Marcial is fully convinced he
has a calling from God. His uncomfortable childhood, with an enabling mother
and a punishing father, leads him to isolation and mistrust. It is rumored he
was sexually abused by one of the farm hands at Don Francisco Maciel’s Poca Sangre ranch in early puberty. He determined
nobody would every hurt and humiliate him like that again. It seems he was
never attracted to girls and never had a girl-friend like other precocious boys
in Cotija, Michoacán. He was no good at sports. The other kids called him
“sissy” or “specky-four-eyes” because of his glasses. But that was not
important as he was being called by God to follow in the footsteps of his three
saintly uncles, all Catholic bishops. He yearned to be admired and famous like
the saintly one, his uncle Rafael[i]
With the mystical calling firmly
embedded in his psyche, Marcial read every little event in his adolescence as a
confirmation of his vocation. The first step was to enroll in a seminary. Off
he went enthusiastically. God seemed to be against him for he was expelled from
seminary three times. When he tried to imbue a small group of his fellow
seminarians with true devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the superiors
accused him of overfamiliarity. But
Marcial remained faithful to his calling. Hidden astute resources helped him,
at the age of nineteen, wheedle into the trust of his third uncle bishop,
Monsignor Gonzalez Arias in Cuernavaca. This uncle bought into Marcial’s plans,
thus fulfilling the budding saint’s dreams.
am called by God to found a Catholic Religious Order
Marcial continued with his mission
recruiting young boys or 9, 10 or 11 for the new order, The Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. He liked being close
to them, too. He did not want them to be spoiled by others as they approached
adolescence. As their spiritual father, he found it natural for him to
introduce them to puberty; he showed them how to handle their sexual organs while
they helped him lessen the tension in his scrotum. He could not tell anyone
about his unique love for his seminarians because they would not understand.
And this would jeopardize his God-given mission to create a new religious order
that would be better and greater than the Jesuits who had rejected him in the
Montezuma seminary. He used all his guiles to keep his privileged victims silent.
He was able to get rid of one irate father who tried to impede the work of God.
The seminarians believed he has a holy man, chosen by Jesus to start a new
religious order. They felt privileged to be part of this special and unique
group of Christ’s commandos. Marcial felt that his little peccadilloes paled in
comparison to the gigantic mission he was fulfilling. He knew that God
He was too busy instructing his
seminarians, raising funds with rich widows and providing for the boys’ every need
to be able to study for the priesthood. But his bishop uncle overlooked this
minor detail on seeing his nephew’s zeal for souls and his vocation as a
founder, the first in the family. Thus Marcial fulfilled another dream when he
became a priest on November 26, 1944 at the age of twenty-four. By this time,
he was training his twelve apostles, just like Jesus.
am called by God to found a Catholic religious order.
Nothing but the best would
do. Enlisting the help of the Spanish
ambassador, Martin Artajo, he secured free passage for them from Veracruz to
Santander, Spain, to the Jesuit-run seminary of Comillas. Everything was going
smoothly until some of the superiors started doubting his holiness and good
intentions. Somehow he began using pain killers to cope with the moral
suffering. Thank God his close circle of confidants understood his need for
medication. One the one hand, they agreed
that he would break his vow of celibacy if he used prostitutes to relieve his
pain. And it would be an even great sin if he were to enlist the help of nuns
to take care of his intimate need. God forbid! On the other hand, they were
willing to go in search of his Demerol. It was wonderful how they understood
their role in God’s Plan.
Marcial was sure that his mission
was lofty. He needed to get a foothold in Rome and at the pope’s side so that
enemies of God’s plan would not halt the Legion’s growth. He had the uncanny
gift of identifying the leaders in any group or organization and he used it to
find out who was who in the Roman Curia. His pale blue eyes zeroed in to
discover personal flaws and weaknesses. He made friends with the powerbrokers
and found out what they liked and what skeletons they were hiding in the
closet: money, luxury, boys… It that didn’t win them over he could always use
the dirty linen to blackmail them. He sent his most intelligent and attractive
seminarians to take care of the monsignors’ needs...
He had a few scary moments when
God’s Plan was in danger. One in 1948 when some of his enemies at the Vatican
tried to prevent getting approval for God’s new order. The Holy Spirit helped
him outwit those dumb brutes. The same misguided Jesuits and Carmelites spoke
ill of him and two of his own betrayed him in 1955. The Vatican powers sent him
away for a couple of years until he proved his innocence. Reinstated, he put in
place some legislation that would prevent his seminarians reporting him again.
am called by God to found a Catholic Religious Order
Once he had proved his fidelity
to God, it was plain sailing. He continued to enjoy the love of his
seminarians. As they grew older they helped him develop sexually along with
them. Pedophilia evolved into ephebophilia and eventually into homosexuality
-though he would never lose his preference for the innocence and softness of
puberty. He knew these dalliances were not unusual among the Roman clergy,
especially in the Curia.
Some seminarians got tired of
his attentions or discovered their relationship with the founder was not
exclusive. This was painful but he was usually able to give them what they
wanted, send them away or placate them with leadership positions. If anyone got
nasty with him, Marcial knew how to take care of business: with a hint dropped
here and there he could easily defame and destroy. A few nasty bastards would
not understand and he had to punish them: scare them with some crazy story,
tell them their heterosexuality was an obstacle to ordination, threaten them,
kick them out of the seminary -Boy, how that felt good! - get them involved with women, send them to
the Congo or to remote places in Mexico, Brazil or Colombia…Who did they think
they were questioning the Founder and trying to scuttle God’s Plan!
Pope John Paul II was so clueless
about human malice and Roman Curia intrigue that soon Marcial was able to gain
his trust. At that point Marcial could not put a step wrong. He was praised and
honored. His self-confidence grew and the Legion’s success boomed.
He had always been a genius
handling money and became fascinated with investing the Legion’s. His disciples
had already set up a well-oiled fundraising machine. The USA was great because
he Irish he had recruited we well liked and smart enough to set up mass-mailing.
Gullible gringos dropped like flies sending in donations, large and small, for
the seminarians and Foreign World Missions. They would believe anything. He was
able to put in a few cameo appearances to beguile lonely rich elderly widows
with his holiness and Mexican charm. That was great fun. Frs. Bannon and
Bailleres would overwhelm them with kindness first and then he would step him
to give them the coup de grace as the millions slipped out of their dying grasp
into the Legion’s coffers.
am called by God to found a Catholic Religious Order
On top of the world, Marcial
wondered what it would be like to have family. He had always despised women,
including their sexuality and the dirty body fluids they emanated. At least
that is what he told his chosen ones. But maybe there was something to women. He
had tried almost everything else: sex with minors, sex with pre-pubertal and
pubertal boys -this was his specialty: having them offer up their virginity to
him. Watching their arousal, their fear, their embarrassment, their confusion
and having them under his control. To control them by deceit, by outsmarting
them and being able to do whatever he wanted with them. There would never be
anything like that. But it also gave him satisfaction to outwit and pleasure
himself with the older ones. When they were older it was man to man, and he
could get more from them, more heightened pleasure…He might even be able to get
them to give him big one in the right place.
So he had done all that. He got
tired of all those uptight seminarians and priests The vein would stand out on
his forehead when he impatiently screamed: “Get out of my sight! You are
useless! You don’t know how to do it!” If they didn’t do better the next time
he would expel them from his harem. Why should he waste his R&R with those
ungrateful little brats! So he began exploring the pleasures of boys and young
men who were less inhibited. He would find them when he left Legion
headquarters with $10, 000.00 cash pocket money given by the unwitting
procurator general and disappeared for a few days in Bogota, Caracas, Rio…These
professionals knew how to do it. He needed to distract his mind from the heavy
responsibilities of Superior General of the most successful Catholic religious
order, the darling of popes and princes. Little entertainments for little people:
soccer and soap operas. But the movers and the shakers of the Kingdom of Christ
deserved the best hotels, spas and resorts. He liked being incognito in a dark,
well-tailored suite, or casual with his fine guayabera and Panama hat in the
warmer climates…Sometimes he brought a handsome seminarian along with him. He
could always leave him in the hotel when he had other appointments. The
seminarian would remain in the hotel, close by the phone, at his master’s
behest, like a faithful dog. The master had important meetings to attend. Maybe
he had to win over a new benefactor…Occasionally, an attractive woman crossed
his path, Flora or Nora, who would do anything to support God’s work. They
always began by wining and dining the refined priest of the pale blue eyes,
refined aquiline nose and aristocratic bearing.
am called by God to found a Catholic Religious Order
So women, why not? By this stage
he was untouchable and the challenge of new clandestine activities over-rode
his cautious nature. If could get one woman to trust him enough to get under
her skirts and see what havoc his weapon could wreak…Wow! He wondered how he
had not discovered this pleasure earlier. The vagina won the allegiance of his
Ever Ready. The way the woman surrendered to him was similar to the way the
very young children had. He loved the docility. He was powerful. He was
dominant. Nobody was doing it to him. He was doing it to them!
Norma, not Nora, was warm and
motherly and became his constant companion. She gave him a daughter to dote on,
Normita. He was so pleased with her he introduced her -as his niece- to JP II.
The other woman gave him more. Having
your very own little boys! He was totally fulfilled as a man. He did feel bad
about slipping into his old bad habits with them a couple of times… But he
couldn’t help himself. The Devil made him do it. Damn him! Remember how St.
Paul, another great apostle, had the same problem, “the sting of the flesh.”
But what really made his
adrenaline rush was being able to live the double or triple life. These pendeja women thinking he was a CIA
agent or that he worked with Petróleos Mexicanos. He always marveled at their
gullibility. They deserved to be deceived! The same went for all the stupid
Legionaries who followed him blindly; and for the craven cowards in the Roman
Curia who licked his boots in exchange for the Christmas baskets, a couple of
bottles of Spanish brandy and a brush with his seminarians. He felt pity for
the Polish Pope, pobrecito, what with
his Parkinson’s and advanced age.
The good-natured members of the
Regnum Christi Movement had a very import part to play in the Power and the
Glory of his brain-child, the Legion of Christ. It was easy to keep up the
pretense with the young RC consecrated women. They adored him and would do anything
for him. Well, almost anything. Although their frigidity or romantic
infatuation was of no use to him personally, he always kept his holy mask in
place before them. The same as with the masses of Regnum Christi married men,
women and children who had him on a pedestal. His eyes always sparkled at the
large public appearances such as Youth and Family Encounters in the USA. He
even had some “useful idiots” like Jeb Bush and Rick Santorum give the keynote
What continued to amaze him was
how he had been able to keep his private lives under wraps for so long, even
among the Legion members. Why had God made him so intelligent? He knew the
answer: to establish the Kingdom of Christ in society, in Christianity and all
over the world. Amen!
The carousel stopped for a while
when Ratzinger asked him to step down.
-What did he know? Did he think
I’m decrepit? OK, so I’ll step down. But, screw him, the German. I’ll put one
of my trusted men -did I say “men”? -that doesn’t matter, the Curia likes them
that way- in my place. Faithful to the founder. Alvarito, whom I personally
groomed since he was a boy, a pre-pubertal adolescent, and sent him to Ireland
to learn English (and be with me) and then had him make his promises and put
him in charge, gave him responsibilities. He will have my back until the end
-The German wants me out. Ha!
We’ll see. I have friends in high places, especially in Mexico. Men who believe
I can get them indulgences to cover up all their marital infidelities, their
whoring, their cold-blooded murders and swindles…I will live life to its
fullest. I fulfilled my mission. The Legion of Christ is unassailable. It is
the richest and most successful order in the Catholic Church. No matter how
they tried they could not stop me. Like Our Savior, whose footsteps I have faithfully
followed from my youth, I can proclaim: “Padre,
he acabado la obra que me diste!!”
[i] Rafael GuÃzar y Valencia (April 26, 1878 – June 6, 1938) was a Mexican Catholic bishop who cared for
the wounded, sick, and dying during the Mexican
Revolution. Named bishop of Xalapa, he was driven out
of his diocese and forced to live the remainder of his life in hiding in Mexico
City. He was also a Knight
of Columbus. He was an uncle of Marcial Maciel, the founder of the Legion of Christ, a position from which he was removed by the See.
Guizar’s body was exhumed in 1950, twelve years after his death, and witnesses have said it had not decayed, except for the left eye, which he was said to have offered up for a sinner during his lifetime.[1]Pope Benedict XVI canonized GuÃzar on October 15, 2006.
“We welcome the canonization of our brother Knight, Bishop GuÃzar y Valencia, and know that his life of courage and legacy of evangelization will be an inspiration to each of our 1.7 million members around the world,” said Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson, who attended GuÃzar’s canonization in Rome.
Guizar’s body was exhumed in 1950, twelve years after his death, and witnesses have said it had not decayed, except for the left eye, which he was said to have offered up for a sinner during his lifetime.[1]Pope Benedict XVI canonized GuÃzar on October 15, 2006.
“We welcome the canonization of our brother Knight, Bishop GuÃzar y Valencia, and know that his life of courage and legacy of evangelization will be an inspiration to each of our 1.7 million members around the world,” said Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson, who attended GuÃzar’s canonization in Rome.